The last call…


– Não, não preciso de tradutor não. Só me ajuda se eu pedir, talquei?… Hello, Trump? Bolsonaro here.

– What do you want? I’m not in a good mood right now.

– Mood é lama, né? Não? Ah… I know, Trump. You very sad.

– I’m more than sad, I’m pissed.

– Ele disse que quer fazer… Ah, entendi… I am bitched two, Trump. You lose, I lose.

– You have always been a good friend, Bolsonaro. But now you’re on your own.

– Não entendi porra nenhuma… Ah, tô sozinho, né?… I’m lonely but I’m hard in the fall, Trump.

– I know, but be careful about 2022. Don’t let them steal your votes.

– No, no steal. I make votes in paper again.

– That’s not a good idea, you fool. Unless you could burn the illegal ones.

– Puta que pariu, pra que que eu te pago pra me dar aula? Não entendo nada. Ah, queimar, entendi… Good idea Trump. I burn the red votes.

– I wish I could do the same with those blue mail votes.

– I still think you win, Trump. I never play the towel.

– It’s good to know that you are by my side, Bolsonaro. I’m very disappointed in the world leaders. They don’t seem to like me at all.

– Desisto, traduz essa pra mim. Ainda bem que eu não vou querer falar com o tal de Biden… ah, ele tá desapontado… Trump, I am with you always. You my idol.

– Thank you, Bolsonaro. But beware. You have a lot of enemies.

– Yes, I know, Trump. Enemies in newspapers and in Globogarbage.

– I hope you can win again next time. But it’s not going to be easy.

– Don’t worry. Now I have big center with me.

– I heard about that. If you trust them. Bye, Bolsonaro.

– Wait, Trump. I have a… como fala neta mesmo?… new granddaugther. Her name is for you.

– Really? What is her name?

– Georgia… Trump? Trump? Por que será que ele desligou, porra?

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